How-to upgrade Grbl

From version 0.8c to 1.1f

  1. Install Arduino IDE...

  2. Install the necessary drivers (USB to serial) to communicate with your board

  3. Download the folder from the official site.

  4. Modify the file config.h      (It is for a laser engraver)
    Seach the word VARIABLE_SPINDLE and comment the line #define VARIABLE_SPINDLE 
    It is about line 339...

  5. Zip the folder gbrl

  6. Open the IDE Arduino
    In the menu Sketch, choose Include Library then Add .ZIP Library...
    Browse for the file
    If you want to change config.h you will find it in Documents/Arduino/Libraries/grbl

  7. In the menu File, choose Examples, then grbl
    Click on grblUpload

  8. In the menu Tools, click on Upload
    Check first that the serial port and the board are correctly selected

  9. Communicate with the board (change the speed to 115200 bauds)
    Send the command $$ to read the parameters.

  10. Modify the parameters and test !